Page:The problem of China - Russell 1922.pdf/260

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  • Hong Kong, 52, 69, 75, 207
  • Hsu Shi-chang, President, 44
  • Hughes, Premier, 181 n.
  • Hughes, Secretary, 152, 153
  • Hung Wu, Emperor, 45
  • Huns, 24, 27, 31
  • Hu Suh, 260
  • Ichimura, Dr., 121
  • Ideograms, 34 ff.
  • Immigration, Asiatic, 181 ff.
  • Imperialism, 82
  • India, 27, 29, 48, 119, 120
  • Industrialism, 186
    • in China, 75, 76, 212, 226–39, 245 ff.
    • in Japan, 114
  • Inouye, 88
  • Intelligentsia in China, 76
  • Iron in China, 131, 132 n., 231 ff.
    • Japanese control of, 232 ff.
  • Ishii, 135. See also Lansing-Ishii Agreement.
  • Ito, 88, 109 ff.
  • Iyeyasu, 91, 94, 95
  • Japan, 14, 15, 27, 30, 62, 53, 62, 63, 86–175
    • early history, 86 ff.
    • constitution, 109 ff.
    • war with China, 113, 122, 130
    • war with Russia, 108, 123, 130
    • clan loyalty, 118
    • loyalty to Allies, 136
    • hegemony in Asia, 120
    • loans to China in 1918, 143
    • Socialism in, 114, 170
  • Jenghis Khan, 28 ff.
  • Jews, 186
  • Kang Hsi, Emperor, 49 n.
  • Kara Korum, 30
  • Kato, 133 n.
  • Kiangnan Dock, 232
  • Kiaochow, 53, 131, 151
  • Kieff, 29
  • Koo, Mr. Wellington, 58 n., 164
  • Korea, 53, 86, 120, 122, 124
  • Kublai Khan, 29, 30
  • Kyoto, 96
  • Kyushu, 92, 94
  • Lama Religion, 43
  • Lamont, 165
  • Lansing, 144
  • Lansing-Ishii Agreement, 134, 139, 151
  • Macao, 92
  • Macartney, 49
  • Malthus, 73
  • Manchu dynasty, 30, 31, 43, 64
  • Manchuria, 53, 68, 120, 123, 127, 130, 146, 154, 177, 178, 207
  • Manila, 93
  • Marco Polo, 29
  • Marcus Aurelius, 27
  • Marx, 250
  • Masuda, 93
  • McLaren, 98, 103 n.
  • Mechanistic Outlook, 81 ff.
  • Merv, 29
  • Mikado, 87, 99, 106
    • worship of, 98, 103, 168–9
  • Militarism, 16, 42, 43 n.
  • Millard, 134 n., 143, 151 n
  • Minamoto Yoritomo, 90
  • Mines, 230 ff.
  • Ming dynasty, 30
  • Missionaries, 196
    • Roman Catholic, 48, 49 n.
  • in Japan, 92 ff.
  • Mongol dvnastv, 28 ff., 43
  • Mongolia, 29, 43, 120, 147, 154
  • Morgan, J. P., 157, 165
  • Morphia, 150
  • Moscow, 29
  • Mukden, 130
  • Murdoch, 28 n., 86 n., 101, 107 n.
  • Nationalism, 16
  • Nestorianism, 48