Page:The school law of Michigan.djvu/36

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Whenever the trustees of any organized graded school district CHANGE FROM GRADED TO PRIMARY DISTRICT. are presented, twenty days before the annual meeting, with a petition signed by ten electors of said district, stating that it is their desire that, at the annual meeting of the school district, there be submitted a proposition to change from a graded district to one or more primary districts, the trustees shall, in their notice of such annual meeting, state that the proposition set forth in said petition will be presented at the meeting; and, if two-thirds of the qualified voters present at said meeting vote to change to one or more primary districts, the change shall be made, and it becomes the duty of the board of school inspectors of the township or townships in which the district is situated, upon being duly notified of such vote, to change or divide the district as determined by such annual meeting, and to provide for the holding of the first meeting in each of the proposed primary districts in the same manner as is provided for by law for the organization of primary districts; and whenever a fractional graded school district is so changed, the township boards of school inspectors of the respective townships where such graded school district is situated, organize the district into one or more primary districts (Act 84, 1891).

Township Districts.

Michigan has seventy-five townships organized as school districts, and every legislature, by the passage of special acts, adds others to the number. As the student will readily observe, the township district can not be organized under either of the laws for the primary or graded districts.

The majority of the township districts of the state are in the Upper Peninsula and are authorized by the provision of Act 176, Public Acts of 1891. By this law the qualified voters of HOW ORGANIZED. a township petition the township board to give notice that, at the next annual township meeting, the township will be organized into a single school