Page:The school law of Michigan.djvu/37

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district. It is necessary that the petition be signed by a majority of the voters of the township, and be filed with the township clerk at least fifteen days prior to the annual township meeting. To ascertain whether a majority of the qualified voters have signed the petition, the township board is required to compare the names on the petition with the names on the list of registered voters qualified to vote at the preceding election. If the board finds that a majority of the qualified voters have signed the petition, it is its duty to give notice that, at the next township meeting, the township school officers shall be chosen. The township board makes and files, both with the county clerk and the commissioner of schools of the county in which such township is located, a certified copy of the petition, with their findings and doings thereon (93 Mich. 281). Thereupon such township becomes a single school district which is subject to all the general laws of the state, so far as the same may be applicable, and said district has all the powers and privileges conferred upon other school districts by the laws of this state, all the general provisions of which relating to common or primary schools shall apply and be enforced in said district, except such as shall be inconsistent with the pro" visions of this act.


IN PRIMARY AND GRADED DISTRICTS. The first Monday of September is the date fixed by law for the annual meeting of primary and graded school. The voters of a district may, however, by a vote of any properly called meeting, decide to fix the date of its annual meeting on the second Monday of July. They are also authorized to change back to the September date in a similar manner. The officers chosen at an annual meeting, date their terms of office from the date of election and continue in office until their successors are elected and qualified (5046).

IN TOWNSHIP DISTRICTS. In township districts the annual meeting is held at the same place as the annual township meeting,— the first Monday in April.