Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/137

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liime takes for its groundwork the Eelation de la Cour de Rome hj Jerome Lifmjbdoro^ written in 161 1, and to be found translated by Labat in his Voyages en ilspagne, &c. at the end of the last volume, Amst 1731 ; and that all which can be called satire in the performance, or rather transcript, of Aymon isy such reflexions, accompanied with such a kind and degree of severity, as would force themselves upon the mind, not only of a protestant, but of any one who exercised common honesty of thinking. The work is not only highly curious, but, I believe, perfectly authentic. The author likewise had means of information of his own* It has been justly ob- served, by way of obviating the objection from the early date of the original, in^ Xabat's Preface to his translation, that there is no court so hosiUe to change^ or so jealous, in every thing which regards the Faith, and money,* and ceremonies, as that of 'Bmile* / ' •

  • QnVm jie doH januus toucher am ehoies qui regar«

deat la Foy, ni la monnoje-Hihe anodation is nmaikaUe. THE £ND«  THOMAS KNOTT, pRunnR, uumtavAV.