Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/138

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CORBECTIONS. Page 2, line 4 from bottom, far these f^^mf the fore^mentioiied* 6, line 3» beifwre power, tn^erl extiaordinarjr. ADDITION. IT 18 10 illustrative of the subject of the preceding pages that I cannot refrain from adding Bome aoconnt of a document, vhichf although in my po— oasion wmie time, I had not exa- mined till after this Tolume had gone through the pxess. It Ibnns an artide In the celebrated collection of 0r« Kloai» dis- persed in 1836, No. 1476. It waa bought ^aJ Mr.Th«ipe^ ftom v'iiom I procured it. It consists of six folia in folio; and tho title is : Summaria declaratio bulle iiuLulyentiarum ecclesie JCanlOtt ejusdem et tuiiime Jidei coneessarum. There m jieither place nor year: but Dr. Kloss has in MS. designated it, Monas- ierU, (MuMter,) Joh. de LMwrg, 1486. The Bull is by Sixtus, who must be IV., as Kicolaa V. is mentioned in the bo^y of it: it must accordingly date between 1471 and 1484— earli^ thm> fore than the date of Dr. Kloss, which must be an overmght^ There is reference in the document to a Jubilee ; and such had taken place, by a new appoiiifnient, in 1475: but the present was an occasional one. The bull is not given at length, but in -extracts of the meet «««H^t-^ftl portions, interspersed with obser- vationa by the radSoofeur, (If it be allowable to use that tenn,) who IS evidoitly a person of authority, and may have been the Prefect of the taxed BreTes, or some officer of the apcatolle chancery. The object of the bull was, to provide for the r6> quired repairs of tlio dilapidated cathedral of Saintes in Sain- tonge, for which abundance of indulgences, with the necessaxy • The dale, in iwt. annt be Uiom 1489, aa Xmials of Fmnoe» wl^ must be theXIth* and who Is IflBswisineBttowi, fodAed hiiretga la ^halytar.