Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/53

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1520. CiT priTilej^ i trieniu. At the end — finiut taxatioes aplice impsse Parrhisiis pro Tosiano Denis librario comorante i vico divi Jacobi T intsignio crucis lignee prope Sacellu Divi Ivonis. Anno dni. 1520* Die veio. 26> mensis Augusti. This is at th^ bottom of the recto of fol. xlii. The verso contains the valu- ation of difl^ent speeies of money and errata*. The book is in 4to. and contains 39 lines in a fall page. The whole work, which is plainly indi eonTenioDB are not noticed and ngutmd» as aie flioie more properljr flo caUad, it might be a matter of deubt,. wliattier ttodmidli of Borne has oo&Ttrted groaler nnmbais ftom infide- Hatcher £aith, thaafirom her ftith te infidditj. A^Mt pert of the Infidelity of Fiance at the dose of the last, and begin- ning of the psesent cenioij» and even now» ii| bqrond aU quet- tlon» assignable to the hiciilcatedy and bdleTod». and felt iden- tify of Popery and Christianify. Popecy is not only an nnwar- vsntedadditien, it knot only the addition of nibfaidi: it is the addition of poison ; and the poison is not simply poison added, but poiwn lncorpona§d^ It is non-attentloii to thislhet, whidi 1ms made some superficial people^ of Tsiions mnk and staiion«. talk of the ospwMRSfi< ^ lAe CMird^f it^ £fi^JM MM^ fimdamgnM, Dean Swift had peculiar notions rsipectnigcQin- paiitive musics which he expressed in an epigram. Followmg. myadf the laudaUe example of eompniison» I may say, that the notions of the first lord of the treasmy on the solject of comparative theology, appear to YntfimdammUally the mim€f and equally respectable. Happy win it be if the demonstration of the Bp. of Down and Connor can beat a litHe inlinmation into, so much ipiritoal obtuseness and inoompetencob The vulgar misconception of riI|§$on here reprobated would have been left nnnoticed, except for its vulgarity, or general preyaleace in all ages, and among all ranks.