Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/54

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perfect^ contains only the Taxe, Cane. , ancl Penit. The other articles specified at the end of the title do not appear : they are^ however contained in another volume^ which might be attached to this at pleasure.^ The contents of this volume are important^ and wiU be consi- dered. I can hardly suppose^ that the work of the same year and place» with the Tariation — snb Signo Solis aurei, referred to by Moruay in his Mystdre d'lniquit^^ p. 656^ is really a different one, as reckoned by Marchand. XIX. Effidem, imerUe in Simonia Curiae Roman»^ Carolo V. Imperatori ab Imperii Electoribus^ et Principibus in Comitiis Norim- bergentibns anno 1522, proposita; eorumqne Gravamina centum adversus Sedem Bomanam, totumqne Ordinem Ecdesiasticum, &c. No<- rembergffi, 1523, in 4; et Francof. Bierman^ 1612, in 4. lipenii Bibl. Jnr. p. 209, et Theolog. torn. i. p. 746, et tom. ii. p. 768. Vid.

  • This 18 the case ; for in another copy, >v]iic]i 1 have ob-

tained, they appear in two tracts, the earlier of which has the date 1518. They were therefore appended to theTaxe, and in- cluded in the title. Both of them have the figure of the patron saint in the eaTrte costume as in the first. In fact, for M)me time after the invention of printing, the miracle was held in such choice estimation fts to be HMde a frequent bilosiicai ornament by the f xencb. Digitized by Google