Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/56

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XXII. Eædem. Parisiis, apud Galeotum a Prato, 1533, in 12. M.

XXIII. Eædem, insertæ in Oceani Juris tomo vi. Venetiis, 1532, in folio. Heidegger and Bayle. M. I do not find this edition in Panzer: but in the edition of that work in 18 volumes, fol. Venet. 1584, the Taxæ of both classes, exactly according with the Parisian of 1520, are found in tom. xv. part 1, pp. 368-380. The whole work is entitled Tractatus Universi Juris, Duce, et Auspice Greg. XIII. &c. in unum congesti, &c. The xvth vol. has a varying title, Tractatus Illustrium Juris consultorum, &c.

The edition of the Taxæ incorporated in the Oceanus, so often, as we shall see, reprinted, is the most perfect and convincing reply to the papal pretence, that the work originated with heretics, or individuals adverse to the Roman See, of any description. This production occupies a prominent position, and no inconsiderable space, in an elaborate national work, published in a strictly papal country; however, like France, on pure secular matters, it might resist the higher powers; and formally dedicated to the pontiff reigning at the time of one of its editions, if not of all.