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XXIV. Esedem. Witterbergae, 1538, Bsnck, in praf. ad Lectorem. XXV. EflBdem, insertsB in Collectione, cui Titulas, Tractatus ex variis Interpretibns Juris in unum collecti, editique Lugdunij anno 1544, in fol. 12, voU. suntqne in tomo x. pp. 131 — 139, & seqq. Ehingeti Cat, Bibl. Augustan. Vind. coL 269. M. Subjoined to this notice is a conjecture, that the Tax» may occur in the Provinciale omnium ecclesiarum Cath. Orb. Univ. &c. which is printed with Practica Cane. Apost. &c. hy Math. Bonhomme, Lugduni, mdxlvi ; but they do not. XXVI. Eeedem. Parisiis, apnd Galeotnm a Prato, 1545, in 12. Drelincourt Repliq, a la Rep. de Mr. TEveque de Beliey> p. 370. M. This contains the four parts as in the Oceanus and the Parisian edition of 1520, particularly the Pcenitentiaria. A copy is in my possession. Reprinted in 1625, See No. XXXV. XXVII. Esedem^ insertae in Wolfgangi Musculi Locis Communihus Sac. Theologi®, tit. xxii. Basil, per Jo. Hervagium, 1554. M. They occur in the second edition, the same place and printer, 1561, pp. 215—225. Like- wise> as Marchand adds, in 1566^ and 1599.