Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/58

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The Loci Comm. were translated by Da Pinet into French, aud printed at Geneva, 1577. XXVIIL EsBdem, inaertee in opere cni tituluSi Concilii Tridentini Kestitutioni, sou Continnationi^ a Fio IV. Pontifice, anno 1562 indictee, Decretisque tunc editis, opposita Gra- vamina, quibus et CauSfe necessaris et gravis* siiiice expouuiitur quare Electores, Principes, Ordines Imperii, Augastanam Confessionem auiplexi. Concilium illud, neque agnoscere, neque adire, voluerint: e Gennanico Latine versa a Laurentio Tuppio, cum ejus Epistola l>edicatoria; 31 Martii, 1565, Aigentorati: ibi tunc edita. Bayle^ under Tappins. M.* Mar* chand adds, very rationally, that the Gravamina themselves are so full upon the subject, that they may be considered as an edition. See in particular the third section. XXIX. Taxe des Parties Casuelles de la Boutique du Pape, en Latin et en Franfois.

  • Theie wu aootlier edilixm of this woA hy IVippius, in 8vo*

l£S7t without place, Initivitlidmter^ name tfant: Ezcudebat Qabiiel Caiteiitis. The TsxA Sam PoenitenttuuB in both is the wuDB as that of Mtuonlui and Dn Finet. There is, how- ever, wanting in the lopiint the Epistola Joannis Stunnii de Refiitatione Trid. ConcQii el dinidiii Beligionis, and another by B. Botshejrm to T^ippfais, appended to the first edition. Harchand is not perfectly coneet in the title.