Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/63

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The Second Part is divided into two sections inconveniently, and has tit. ziii instead of viii in the second section. The edition goes on to Sectian the third and fourth, instead of Parti, according to the Paris edition and that in Oceano Juris. Then, by mistake, he repeats Seetio Quarta, which ought, according to his own division, to be Quinta, p. 151, and is so called in the index. In fact, this begins an addi- tional portion of the work — the Nomina, &c. And yet he calls an Appendix another Seetio Quinta. Marchand supposes a mistake of 400,000 for 4^000 in p. 19, which is probable ; and there certainly is a curious one of 1400.81, for the date 1481, in p. 28. This seemed to be the proper place for such merely bibliographical observations.* Xnte, June 16« 1654; ead again Not, 18, 1662» and inMsM In the Indak Piohib. of iUei. TII. and to the pnaent time. I canoot hare deigr myaalf the pleaaure of tamaeiibing m ttutogiaph idttchisexfcaiiti&iiijaopj of Ba&ek^book^il^MS^ 1776. Inv* JVbv. Eborac» in America, Ambioee Serle^ the de> aer? edl J celebrated anthor of eereral defotioaal and learned woiki» waa ooeof the IHenda, to whom I looked with Taos* ration and affiBction in mj jouth ; andhla jnat aa weUaa canatie litde Toliime, * A Kew PeKnice of the Holty nomaa Cfanidi agaiitit Hefetica and Bahiamatia^^' finl edited in 177S, and » se- cond time in ISIO, ia a aoffident and honoiinhle numiunant <^ hia fteedom from the low or tieadieioaaiHtoleakantian, whleh had hugely inHwted tiie relifioaawoild, and halped to prodnee I