Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/64

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XXXVIII. Den Winkel van den Pans. AmBterdam, by Imbrechts^ 1661, in 12. This translation is ascribed by Marchand to Clement KeukemiiB. XXXIX. Taxae Cane. Apost. et Taxas Sac. PoBnit* Apost. &c. geeollationeert» &c. nae't exemplaer van Lreo X. tot Roman anno 1514. 's Hertogen-Bosch. (Bois-le-duc) by Stephanus du Mont^ 1664^ in 12. This is the most exact and important reprint extant. It £uthfully represents an undoubted and most valuable Roman edition^ the existence of which and the fidelity of the present copy, are at- tested by two of the Clerks^ and subscribed by the Secretary, of the city. The original was deposited with the governors, called IX viri. The first part, Tax» Cane. Apost. accurately agrees with the first part of the Paris edition of 1520 ; and the other part, Tax» S. Poenit. with the first section of the fourth or last part of the Parinan, and that given in this edition of the- that wretched consummation in 1829, upon which every unpa- palized Christian looks back with shame and bittemcas. The eiicumstance, likewise, that this book was procured in New York, if pleasingly associated with the fact, that the cncroaclmients of papal ambition and corruption have roused that city in particu- lar to a zeal and exertion in opposition to the foul Invader, and in defence of the Christianity ho would again defile, which may ««U pot lukewsim and imfiiUhlia £ng^^ s 2