Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/65

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pntent teact. There is besides^ a short ex- tract fimn the FlirUiaii tdiimi, and a Dijdoiiia of Indulgences under Leo X. from the monu- ments of a church in Driel in Geldeilant^ with a form of plenary absolution on confession. Estimates of the Tafaia of tha monies specified are added, with notes, cliieily from Banck, and an Index* In my edition the Authentication is in Fie- mish, but Marchand has givea it in Latin, without saying that he translates. And he aiterwards gives another in Flemish^ very nearly the same, but with additions, to cut off all subterfuge from those who, it is reasonably anticipated, would omit no eflbrt to bring the work into discredit. Marchand adds, immediately af^, another edition of the TaxcE, in a fresh edition of Wolfii Lectt. Mem. in 1671; and another in Adami Scherzeri Auti-Bellarmino, 1681 ; but that work contains merely a very short extract* XL. The Book of Rates now used in the Sin Custom-house of the Church and Court of Rome, containing the Bulls, Dispensations, and Pardons for aU manner of Villanies and Wick* ednesse, with the several sums of Monies given and to. be paid for them. Published By An*