Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/73

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to examine them, together with the additional parts^ as they stand in that celebrated edition. . The Parisian edition of ] 520, described No. XVIII. on the verso of the title-Ieaf» and after the licence signed, Ainsi signe Rnse, has a short address of the Printer to the Reader, in which he states, that he had received Several copies of the Taxe Cane. ac. Penit. Apost. which he did not incorporate into one book, lest he should fall into some omission, and which therefore h^ printed in four parts, designated by the capital letters^ A, B, D. To a se- parate index to each he had however added a general alphabetic one. 1 he ^st part. A, is inscribed, £t primo de gratiis expectativis, is divided into thirty-seven Tituli, althongh not nnmbered, and appears exactly to agree with the corresponding part of the edition of Leo X. as reprinted in 1664, and with the first part of Banck's. It extends from fol. i. to xvi. and consists of taxes upon num- berless circumstances relative to ecclesiastic benefices, dispensations, absolutions, licences, indulgences, remissions, exemptions, transla* tions, &c. &c. estimated in giossi ; among which may be noticed, litera absolutionis a Sylnonia, g. xvi. remissio facta uni diviti de