Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/74

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male ablatis taxetur ad g. L pauperi vero^ g. xx* absolutio generalis in libro Jo. xxii. g. xvi. absolutio ab excessibus et delictis pro unu laico, g. xii. indulgentia tertisB partia peccatorum, g. c. Sic. &c. When the first persou is used it is plural. The principal circumstance^ however, remarkable in this portion is, the repeated, about nine times^ and exjslu^iive^ reference to the Liber Johannes X?tll. from which it seems to be a reasonable inference, that^ to the time of Leo X. considerable deference was paid, in this class of Taxes, to the former pontiff^ as their presumed author, or first reducer to fi»rm. The second part, B, has the following in- scriptidn, Taxe Cancellarie apostoUce cu certis notabilibus juxta stilum hodiemum Romane curie. £t primo de absolutionibus. This oc- cupies from fob xvi. recto to fob xxv. and is found in Banck's edition beguming at p. 55. It consists of twenty-three tituli, as in Banck, but not numbered. The subjects are not very dis- tinguishable from those in the former part : but the writer speaks of himself in the singular number, and refers not to Jo. xxii. but to l^er ' ofUiguus, De unionibus, fol. xx. verso. The book, (for it appears to have been separate), was written in 1513; for the author writes, ita