Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/75

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sum expertus hoc anno m.ccccc.xiii. ft)l. xix. But it is in Una book that is contained that most notorious passage^ under the title of De matrimonialibus^ Dispensatio de contrahendo in cognatione spirituale •••• •••••g> bL Expedivi tamen unam pro. g. 1. sed de gra- tia g« L Idem est jndiciimi in aecuido gradu : et compo- nitur cum datario in maxima summa ali- quando. coe. et etiam ccciooc. et alias juacta qualitatem personarum. EtnoU diLigenter q^uod hiyuismodi gratie et dispensationes nou conceduntnr paupe- ribus qma non simt ideo non possmit con- solari foLzxiiL* The third part, C, from fol. xxvL to mr . in Banck^ commencing from p. 88, has no ♦ This measure in the dkbdlbution of spiritual favour in the papal church is not feebly expressed in the Epilogue to the Bgaakh Friar, by the author of the Hind and Panthen^ Fear not the guilt if you can pay fort well. There is no Dives in the Roman hell.— Thej boast the gift of heaven is in their powef— ^ Well may they give the god, they can devour. It is sickening, although instructive^ to observe, how Roman- ktfl» in whom it might be hoped the moral principle was not so degraded, can dideover the deUaqneucies of individuals of their own communion, particularly cwreiUk Dodd, in his Church Hiatcnyof JBDglaiid» wheie he glTCfl aa acooa&t of John Diydeiif