Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/314

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2 28 Anne Bradjireefs Works.

And Xerxes mighty Gallyes battered fo,

That their fplit fides witneff'd his overthrow;

Then in the ftreight of Salamis he try'd,

If that fmall number his great force could 'bide :

But he in daring of his forward Foe,

Received there a lliameful overthrow.

Twice beaten thus at Sea he warrd no more,

But then the Phocians Country-^ wafted fore;

They no way able to withftand his force,

That brave Themijiochs takes this wife courfe,

In fecret manner word to Xerxes fends,

That Greeks to break his Bridg fhortly intends:"

And as a friend warns him what e're he do

For his Retreat, to have an eye thereto.

He hearing this, his thoughts & courfe home bended

Much fearing that-^ which never was intended.

Yet 'fore he went to help out his expence,

Part of his Hoft to Delplws fent from thence,

To rob the wealthy Temple of Apollo,

But mifchief facriledge doth ever follow.

Tv/o mighty Rocks brake from Parnajfjfus hill.

And many thoufands of thofe men did kill;

Which accident the reft affrighted fo.

With empty hands they to their Mafter go:

He finding all, to tend to his decay.

Fearing his Bridge, no longer there would ftay.^

X But Pkociaiis Land, he then y Much, that.

z He Teeing all thus tend unto decay,

Tiioun'ht it his beft, no longer tor to rtay ;

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