Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/315

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The Four Monarchies. 229

Three hundred thoufand yet he left behind,

With his Mardonius Index "" of his mind;

Who for his fake he knew would venture farre, [108]

(Chief inftigator of this haplefs ^ warr.)

He inflantly to Athens fends for peace.

That all Hoftility from^ thence forth ceafe;

And that with Xerxes they would be at one,

So fliould all favour to their State be fhown.

The Spartans fearing Athens would agree.

As had Macedon., Thebes., and ThcJJaly^

And leave them out, this Shock now to fuftain,

By their Ambaffador they thus complain,

That Xerxes quarrel was 'gainft Athens State,

And they had helpt them as Confederate;

If in their "^ need they fhould forfake "■ their friends.

Their infamy would laft till all things ends:

But the Athenians this peace deteft, .

And thus reply'd unto Mardon^^ requelt.

That whil'ft the Sun did run his endlefs Courfe

Againft the Perjians, they would bend-^ their force;

Nor could the brave Ambaffador he^ fent,

With Rhetorick gain ^ better Complement:

A Macedonian born, and ' great Commander,

No lefs then grand-Sire to great Alexander

Alardoniiis proud hearing this Anfwer ftout,

To add more to his numbers layes about;

" judex. t> hopelelle. ^ might. d. If now in.

'- thus fail. / ufe. s be. A t' gain.

'■ Though of this Nation borne a

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