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temple is a figure of the Church and those who worship there are the faithful who remain steadfast during the great persecution of Antichrist.

2. The outer court, cast off and given over to the Gentiles, signifies that a great number of Christians will fall away from the Faith in those evil days. With the other followers of Antichrist they will trample Jerusalem beneath their feet during the forty-two months of persecution. The holy city is here taken literally for Jerusalem, but it is also a figure of the Church, the chief object of attack under Antichrist.

3. At the beginning of this terrible persecution God will send two prophets, or "witnesses," to guide the Church and preach penance for the space of 1260 days. According to all tradition, both Jewish and Christian, the prophet Elias, will be one of these witnesses. "Behold I will send you Elias the prophet, before the coming of the great day of the Lord." [1] The tradition is also confirmed by the words of Christ: " Elias indeed shall come and restore all things." [2] The other witness will probably be Henoch, who like Elias, "was translated that he should not see death." [3] Yet some think that Moses will be the second witness because he appeared with Elias at the Transfiguration of Christ. [4] The two witnesses shall appear among men as apostles of the Church and adversaries of Antichrist.

  1. Malachias iv, 5.
  2. St. Matthew xvii, 11.
  3. IV Kings ii, 3; Epistle to Hebrews xi, 5.
  4. St. Matthew xvii, 3.