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The duration of the persecution is sometimes given in years; at other times in months or days, but in every case the same definite length of time is predicted. This seems to indicate that the three and one-half years are to be taken literally.

4. The two witnesses were symbolized by the two olive trees and the candlestick mentioned in the prophecy of Zacharias. [1] The olive is a symbol of God's mercy as in the days of the deluge. [2] The oil from the olive also symbolizes the unction of the Holy Ghost poured forth upon the two prophets who are to be lights (candle sticks) to the faithful by their preaching.

5, 6. The two witnesses shall have miraculous power to overcome their enemies as Elias of old destroyed the soldiers of Ochozias with fire from heaven. [3] They shall also punish the unfaithful with drought and famine as did Elias in the days of Achab. [4] Changing water into blood may mean that the rivers shall run red with blood from wars and revolutions. More probably the words should be taken literally to foretell plagues such as Moses brought upon the land of Egypt. [5] In either case there is a reference to the plagues of Egypt which seems to confirm the belief that Moses shall be one of the witnesses.

7. Having fulfilled their mission the two prophets

  1. Zacharias iv, 3.
  2. Genesis viii, 11.
  3. IV Kings i, 10-14.
  4. III Kings xvii, 1.
  5. Exodus vii, 20 ss.