Page:Theophrastus - History of Stones - Hill (1774).djvu/12

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that Author, whoever is acquainted with the Works of more antient Writers, muſt know that however much Praiſe he may deſerve for that Treaſure of Knowledge he has collected; yet he is very little to be depended on for the Correctneſs of his Quotations.

It is no Wonder that the genine Work of this Author, on Foſſils, ſhould have been ſo much neglected to be read; ſince whoever ſhall take up the beſt Editions we have at preſent, will find enough in every Page to diſhearten him from making farther Progreſs: The numerous Defects, where whole Words, Parts of Words, and even many Words together are wanting; and the many Sentences, either by the Preſervation of old Errors, or injudicious Corrections of Editors, rendered perfectly unintelligible, will ſoon ſhew, that it is a Work not to be read to any Advantage, with-
