Page:Theophrastus - History of Stones - Hill (1774).djvu/13

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out a more than ordinary Attention, a Knowledge of the Subject, and a continual Conſultation of others of the Antients,

In ſuch Condition has this Treatiſe lain; full of excellent Matter, but rendered almoſt unintelligible: The Author is remarkable for uſing very few Words; and where it was common to find ſome of thoſe few wanting, it ſeemed no eaſy Taſk to underſtand him. On this Occaſion, as alſo in regard to the Errors, ſo frequent and perplexing, I have been at the Pains of conſulting the reſt of the Antients; in order to find what it was moſt likely he ſhould ſay, by what they have ſaid on the ſame Occaſion: In theſe Undertakings, Pliny alſo, where he could be depended on, has been of ſingular Service; a Paſſage from him, frequently a literal Tranſlation of this Author, ſhewing evident-
