Page:Theophrastus - History of Stones - Hill (1774).djvu/14

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ly how he had read the Original, who had the Advantage of ſeeing it, at leaſt before the Riſe of many of the Errors that have made it unintelligible to us. This, and examining his Words by, and comparing them with, the Subſtance he is deſcribing, are the two great Methods I have taken to underſtand him.

By theſe Means, and with thee Aſſiſtances, I have undertaken to give a new Edition of the Greek Text; in which whatever may be the Service I have done, I promiſe myſelf I ſhall, at leaſt, be liable to no Cenſure; ſince tho' I have filled up all the Defects, and amended the Errors, ſo as to make the Work now plain, intelligible, and eaſy to be read; I have every where in the Notes mentioned where the Defects were, and what were the Words, that I have ventured to alter.
