Page:Theophrastus - History of Stones - Hill (1774).djvu/301

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[ 285 ]

Species 2.—Sapphire.

Specific Character.

A hexangular Column of ſix unequal Sides tapering from the Baſe, and terminated by a Pyramid of the ſame Angles, colourleſs, pellucid.


1. In Shape.

1.—Pyramidal Sapphire.

An hexangular Pyramid of unequal Sides.

2.—Columnar Sapphire.

An hexangular Column of unequal Sides, with two low Pyramids.

3.—Pebble Sapphire.

Without Angles, of an oval flatted Shape.

2. In Colour.

4.—Red Sapphire, called Ruby.

Sapphire coloured by Gold.

5.—Yellow Sapphire, called Topaz.

Sapphire coloured by Lead.

6.—Blue Sapphire, called Sapphire.

7.—Green Sapphire, called Emerald.

Sapphires both coloured by Copper.

8.—Flamy Sapphire, called Hyacinth.

9.-Crimſon Sapphire, called Garnet.

Sapphires both coloured by Iron,

Varieties of Varieties.

10.—Firey Sapphire, called Carbuncle.

Sapphire coloured by Gold, with a little Copper.

11.—Purple Sapphire, called Amethyſt.

Sapphire coloured: by Iron and Copper.
