Page:Theophrastus - History of Stones - Hill (1774).djvu/302

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[ 286 ]

12.—Blue green Sapphire, called Aqua Marine.

Sapphire, coloured by Copper and Lead.

13.—Yellow green Sapphire, called Chryſolite:

Sapphire coloured by Copper and more Lead.

14.—Coarſe green Sapphire,called Praſius.

Sapphire coloured by Copper and Manganeſe.

Theſe are the Oriental Gems.

They are all found in pebble or columnar Forms; ſingly and in Cluſters; and of different Bigneſſes.

There are alſo Cryſtals of theſe Colours, which are called occidental Gems of the ſame Names.

We know the Ingredients which give their Colour, by Experiments in colouring Glaſs and Paſtes.

Theſe with the Colour give no Addition of Weight.

There is beſide all theſe a debaſed Sapphire, fouled by Earth.
