Page:Theory and Practice of Handwriting.djvu/179

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Harison's Vertical

Penmanship Pads.

(Patent applied for.)

The purpose of these pads is to enable the teacher to give as much practice as may be deemed necessary with any particular set copy, the pupil writing one, two or more sheets, if it is thought advisable to do so, before exposing a new model. It is advisable, also, to avoid the discouragement, incident to failure. By the use of these pads failures may be removed, and a new copy sheet used, or several of them, until it is deemed advisable to proceed to the next step. Pads will be made to order in any of the different rulings that may be desired; when not otherwise ordered, the double guide lines will be furnished on the first numbers of the series only, single ruling on the higher numbers–the "finishing" numbers to be on unruled pads.

The copies are compiled from the Jackson system for the reason that it is considered well to follow what has been found best after many years experience.

The position considered best is that assumed in drawing, viz:–With the body straight before the desk, the copy slightly to the right and set squarely before the pupil, the pen held so that both points of the nib are in constant action, the pen handle inclined slightly away from the direction of the shoulder.

59 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. City.



"One Piece" Patent Adjustable School Book Covers.