Page:Theory and Practice of Handwriting.djvu/180

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One Piece Adjustable Book Covers.

Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education,
Washington, D. C.

F. K. B.

February 1, 1892.

Mr. William B. Harison,
3 East 14th Street,
New York City,

Dear Sir:

Some time since we received at the Bureau a package of your new adjustable book covers. You ask whether I consider the device of value for public school use as it has been recommended on the grounds of sanitation. Ithink that the point is well taken, and the simplicity and ingenuity of the device is something astonishing to a person who has often experimented on the proper form for a convenient book cover. It deserves to come into general use where book covers are used.

Very respectfully,


Price per 100 Delivered to Any Address U. S., Canada or England.

No. 1. Fits 16mo., 12mo., or small 8vo. $1.50
No. 2. Fits 8vo., small geographies, etc., 2.50
No. 3. Fits 4to., large geographies, etc., 3.50

Contract Price to Boards of Education.
In lots of 1,000 or more with labels.

No. 1. $12.50
No. 2. $17.50
No. 3. $25.00