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kenny, and Hon. Henritta (d. 1891), dau. of 1st Viscount Guillamore; m. 1872, Mary, 3rd dau. of late Bishop O'Brien, of Ossory, Ferns, and Leighliu. Res.: Castle Morres, Knocktopher, Co. Kilkenny.

DENNIS, Col. Meade James Crosbie, C.B. (1918); Officer Legion of Honour; Col. Royal Artillery (retired). Educ.: Haileybury: R.M. Academy, Woolwich. Joined Royal Artillery, 1884: served in India to 1892; at home to 1899; South Africa, 1900; in Royal Ordnance Factories as Assistant Superintedent of Laboratory, 1901-7; Assistant Supt. Royal Gun Factory, 1907-17; Supt., Royal Gun and Carriage Factories, Woolwich, 1917-19; eldest surviving son of late Meade Caulfield Dennis, of Fortgranite, Baltinglass, Co. Wicklow; b. 1863; m. 1892, Hon. Alice Handcock, dau. of 4th Baron Castlemaine; has issue two sons, one dau. Res.: Fortgranite, Baltinglass, Ireland.

DERAMORE, Baron (Unit. Kgd., 1885), and a Bart. (Unit. Kgd., 1818), Robert Wilfrid de Yarburgh-Bateson, 3rd Baron, T.D., D.L., J.P., and Chairman of the Co. Council, E. Riding of Yorkshire; J.P., West Riding of Yorkshire; D.L., J.P. Co Down; Lieut.-Col. Yorkshire, Hussars Yeo. Cav.; eldest son of George, 2nd Baron, and Mary Elizabeth (d. 1884), dau. of the late George John Yarburgh, of Heslington Hall, York; b. 5th Aug., 1865; s. his father, 29th April, 1893; m. 1st, 15th July, 1897, Lucy (d. 1901), dau. of the late W. H. Fife, Esq., of Lee Hall, Northumberland: 2nd. 26th June, 1907, Blanche Violet, dau. of Col. Saltmarshe, late R.A., of Saltmarshe, E. Yorks, and has issue one dau. Res.: Heslington Hall, York; Belvoir Park, Belfast. Club: Carlton, London.

DERHAM, Michael James (M.P. for County Dublin, 1922). Res.: Clonass, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin.

de ROBECK, Henry Edward Wm. de Robeck, 5th Baron, D.L., J.P., Co. Kildare. Educ.: Harrow, R.M. Academy, Woolwich, formerly Capt.. R. A.: late Lieut.-Col. and Hon. Col.. Wicklow Artillery, S. Div. R. A.: son of 4th Baron and Zoe Sophia Charlotte, dau. of late W. F. Burton, of Burton Hall, Co. Carlow: b. 1859; s. his father, 1904; m. 1886, Anne, dau. of late L. W. Alexander, of Straw Hall, Carlow, and has issue three sons, three daus. Res.: Gowran Grange, Naas, Co. Kildare. Clubs: Army and Navy; Kildare Street, Dublin.

de ROBECK, Admiral Sir John Michael, Bart. (Unit. Kgd., 1919), G.C.B. (1921), G.C.M.G. (1919). K.C.B. (1916), Admiral of Patrols, 1912-14; Command, Naval Forces, Dardanelles, 1915-16: Commander-in-Chief Mediterranean, 1919-22, and of Atlantic Fleet from 1922; son of 4th Baron de Robeck, of Gowran Grange, Co. Kildare; b. 1862. Army and Navy Club, London.

DE ROS, Baroness (Engl., 1264), Mary Frances Dawson. Premier Baroness of England; only child of Dudley Charles FitzGerald De Ros, 24th Baron. K.P., K.C.V.O., and his 1st wife, Lady Elizabeth Egerton (d. 1892), dau. of the 2nd Earl of Wilton, P.C., G.C.H.: b. 31st July, 1854; s. her father, 30th April, 1907; m. 2nd Oct., 1878, 3rd Earl of Dartrey. and has issue three daus. Res.: 22 Wellington Court, Knightsbridge, S.W.; Old Court, Strangford, Co. Down.

DE RÓISTE, Liam, b. June 15th, 1882; representative of Cork City in Dail Eireann; Alderman Cork Corporation; member Cork Harbour Board; member Board of Management, Cork Mental Hospital; Hon. Secretary Cork Industrial Development Association; Secretary Colaisde na Mumhan (Irish Language Training College, Ballingeary); Secretary and Director Irish International Trading Corporation, Cork. Edu.: University College, Cork (Dipl. Comm.) Pubns.: A Message to the Man; The Road to Hell; Voices of the Past; The Shield: plays, poems in various periodicals; Political and Historical pamphlets. Res.: Sundayswell, Cork. Bus. Address: 27 Grand Parade, Cork.

DERRIG, Thomas (M.P. for North and West Mayo from 1922).

DERRY, Bishop of, The Most Rev. Charles M'Hugh,, D.D. appointed by his Holiness Pius X. 10th July, 1907; cons. 29th Sept., 1907; was for some time Professor in St. Columb's College and President thereof from 1890-1905; Parish Priest of Strabane, 1905-07. Res.: Bishop's House, Derry.

DERRY AND RAPHOE, Bishop of, The Right Rev. Joseph Irvine Peacocke, D.D. Educ.: Trinity Coll., Dublin: B.A., 1889; B.D., 1899; ordained 1891: p. 1892; Curate of Shankill (Lurgan), 1891-4; Rector of Christ Church, Lisburn, 1894-1902: Rector of St. Mary's, Dublin, 1902-3; Rector of Bangor, Co. Down, 1903-16; Preb. of St. Andrew's, Down Cathedral, 1911-16: cons. 48th Bishop of Derry and 57th Bishop of Raphoe, in succession to Right Rev. G. A. Chadwick, D.D., 1916: son of late Most Rev. J. F. Peacocke, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin; b. 1866: m. 1902, Ada Victoria Stanley, dau. of late Lindsay Bucknall Barker, of Glenard, Belfast. Res.: The Palace, Londonderry.

DE SALIS, Sir John Francis Chas., K.C.M.G. (1913), C.V.O. (1909), C.M.G. (1909), Count de Salis, D.L., J.P., Co.