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Limerick; J P., Co. Armagh; 3rd Sec. Diplo. Service, 1889-93; 2nd Sec, 1893-1904; Sec, 1904-6; Councillor of Embassy at Berlin, 1906-11; Envoy-Extra. and Min. Plen. to Montenegro, 1911-14, and Special Envoy to the Vatican, 1916; eldest son of John, 6th Count de Sails (d. 1871); b. 1864; m. 1890, Helena Marie de Riquet (d. 1902), dau. of Prince Eugene de Caraman-Chimay. Res.: Palazzo, Barghore, Rome; Lough Gur, Kilmallock, Co. Limerick; Bondo, Grisons, Switzerland. Clubs: Marlborough and Travellers', London, S.W.

DESART, Earl of, 1793; Visct. Desart, 1781, Visct. Castle-Cuffe, 1793; Baron of Desart, 1733 (Irld.); Baron Desart of Desart (U.K., 1909), Hamilton John Agmondesham Cuffe, 5th Earl; K.P. (1920), P.C. (1913), K.C.B. Civ. (1898), C.B. (1894), B.A., Camb.; H.M.L., Co. Kilkenny; late R.N.; Barrister, Inner Temple, 1872; Bencher, Inner Temple, 1905; Sec. to Judicature Acts Comm., 1877; Assist. Solicitor to the Treasury, 1878-1894; Solicitor to the Treasury, Queen's Proctor, 1894-1909, and Director of Public Prosecutions, 1894-1908; represented Gt. Britain at N. Sea Conference in Paris, 1904; British Plenipotentiary at the London International Naval Conference, 1908-9; appointed a British Member of the International Court of Arbitration at the Hague, 1910; Chairman of the Sleeping Sickness Committee, 1913-14; Chairman of Prize Claims Committee, 1915; second son of Otway, 3rd Earl, and Lady Elizabeth (d. 1898), third dau. of 1st Earl Cawdor; b. 30th Aug., 1848: s. his brother. 15th Sept., 1898; m. 19th July, 1876, Lady Margaret Joan, dau. of 4th Earl of Harewood, and has issue two daus. Res.: 2 Rutland Gardens, S.W.; Desart Court, Kilkenny. Clubs: Travellers', and M.C.C., London; Kildare Street, Dublin.

DE STACPOOLE, George, 4th Duke and Marquis (cr. 1831 and 1826, Roman States), 5th Count (cr. 1818, France), J.P., Co. Galway; b. 21st June, 1860: only son of 3rd Duke de Stacpoole and Maria, only child of Thomas Dunn, of Bath House, Northumberland: m. 1st Dec, 1883, Pauline, only child of Edward MacEvoy, of Tobertynan, Co. Meath, for some time M.P. for that County; five sons and one dau. The two youngest killed in the European War. Educ.: Beaumont College. Late Lieut., 3rd Batt., Yorkshire Rest.; J.P., Co. Galway. Pubn.: Irish and other Memories. Clubs: St. James's, W., and County Galway. Heir: Captain Gergede Stacpoole, J.P., Co. Galway and Co. Meath, late Connaught Rangers, Master of "Kill" Harriers; b. 8th March, 1880; m. 1915, Eileen Constance, eldest dau. of late James Palmer, Glenco Abbey, Galway: two sons and one dau. Educ: Downside. Res.: Mount Hazel, Ballymacward, Co. Galway; Tobertynan, Co. Meath.

DE VALERA, Eamon (T.D. for E. Clare, 1917; elected for E. Mayo, 1918, and for Clare Co. in Parliament of S. Ireland, 1921, and for Down Co. in N. Parliament, Ireland, 1921); B.A., B.Sc. (N.U.I.). Educ.: Christian Brothers' School, Charleville, and Blackrock College; taught Mathematics at Rockwell, at Maynooth, at University College, Dublin, Dominican College, Eccles Street, Dublin, at Loreto College, and elsewhere; Commandant of Irish Volunteers in Ringsend-Mount Street area during Easter Week rising, 1916; was the last of the Republican commandants to surrender; sentence of death commuted to penal servitude for life; released 1917. President of Dail Eireann, 1918-22; escaped from Lincoln Gaol, 1919; Vice-President of Gaelic League since 1917; Chancellor of the N.U.I, since 1921; son of Vivian de Valera and Kate Coll, of Bruree, Co. Limerick; b. New York, 1889; m. 1910, Miss S. O'Flanagan. Res.; Greystones.

DEVENISH-MEARES, John Frederick, B.A. (T.C.D.), J.P., Co. Fermanagh; Barrister Middle Temple, 1892, and King's Inns, 1897; eldest son of late Joseph Leycester Devenish-Meares, J.P., of Meares Court, Co. Westmeath; b. 1866; m. 1900, Harriet F., only dau. of Richd. Arthur Handcock. Res.: Meares Court, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath; Lack, Kesh, Co. Fermanagh.

DE VERE, Robert Stephen Vere, B.A., LL.B. (Cantab.), J.P., Co. Limerick; Barrister Inner Temple, 1898. Educ.: Charterhouse; Trinity College, Cambridge. Served in Paget's Horse, South African War (Queen's Medal); District Commissioner, Gold Coast, 1903-5; Legal Adviser and Acting Chief Justice, Seychelles, 1906-8; received Commission in 5th Batt. Royal Sussex Regt., Feb. 1915: Military Censor, British Expeditionary Force, Aug., 1915 . Pubns.: Articles in Nineteenth Century and Law Quarterly. Recns.: hunting, sailing. Eldest son of late Major Aubrey Stephen Vere O'Brien. 60th Rifles, b. 1872; m. 1906, Isabel Catherine, dau. of late Rt. Rev. H. C. Moule, Bishop of Durham; assumed name of De Vere instead of O'Brien, 1899. Res.: Curragh Chase, Adare, Co. Limerick. Clubs: Wellington, London; County, Limerick.

DE VERSAN, Raoul C., K.C., J.P., Co. Dublin; M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dublin); late Registrar, H.M. Court of Appeal, Ireland. Res.: Clyde House, Clyde Road, Dublin. Clubs: Kildare Street; Sackville Street, Dublin; R. St. George Yacht Club, Kingstown.

DE VESCI, Viscount, 1776: Baron Knapton, 1750 (Irld.), and a Bart., 1698, Yvo Richard Vesey, 5th Viscount; Major, S. R. Irish Gds. Elected a Representative Peer for Ireland (1909); D.L. and J.P., Queen's Co.; eldest son of the Hon