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I tell you its a regular fact, and no mistako. Jack turned out a very amusing and intelligent fellow; although not particularly versed in the niceties of Syntax and prosody.

To go on, however—About mid-way between Kilmarnock and London Kirk, and half a mile off the public road, a small farm-house, or cottage, of the old School, that is to say, built of rough unhewn stone and covered with thatch; it is somewhat romantically situated, as it is nearly concealed by woods and rising grounds until you are within a few yards of it. As you enter the front door you may as well look to your feet as indications are visible that cattle and sheep reside under the roof: their locality in the byre, npon the left hand. Turn to the right and you enter an apartment which served for ‘parlour, kitchen, and all,’ to the late proprietor, who was born in the cottage and died in it very lately, old and ‘full of years.’ It was left to him about fifty years ago, along with a few acres of land, by his late father, and was denominated Holmhead, properly, but the Ark, by use and wont.

The walls of this apartment exhibited no tokens of the genius of a Rembrandt or a Raphael, or even of his illustrious namesake, but they were adorned with labels indicating that ginger beer was sold here, and lemonade also, and a few other items for the benefit and accommodation of tee-totallers. The furniture was such as may be seen at any time in some remote log-house in the ‘far west’ of the giant Republic: a good clock, however, told that time was not forgotten here.

Thomas Raeburn was born here, in 1769. He used to remark to his customers and visitors, that three very great men were born in that year,—ane o’ them was Bonaparte, an’ anither, Wellington, an, the third ane is amang us here, ye may guess wha.’ His father, although he could have well afforded to give his son a liberal education, was content that he should receive instruetions in simple reading and writing. The old man used to say, ‘what's the use of giein‘ Tam Latin or Greek,