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may be he wad turn a Roman or a Papist a’thegither.’ Tam throughout a long life, although fond of news and information on all subjects, never evinced any peculiar liking to dip deep at Learning’s fount. It is said that he never in his life purchased a new book or a newspaper; he possessed a Bible however, and a few books, in a huge chest that he opened only on occasions. After his father,s death Thomas, although he might have cultivated his farm to advantage, chose rather to work as a farm labourer, or a gardener to a gentleman in the neighbourhood. At this period of his life there was nothing peculiar or eccentric in his dress or his behaviour, till about 35 years before his death he became involved in a law-suit with a neighbouring proprietor, and was cast in heavy damages. Poor Raeburn took this sadly to heart; he considered himself as most people do who come off second best at the law) marvellously ill-used—he was trampled upon and cheated of his lawful money, and vowed that he would go to war with the world, for it was a bad world, else he would have received justice, and not injury. Hereupon Thomas, the hermit, although in our opinion, he was not a regular hermit, for he maintained an old hand-maiden in his cottage, and did not live altogether upon raw turnips and cold water, and wear away the skin from his bones in prayer, but the world entitled him so, and what ‘a’ body says maun be true,’ according to the old proverb. Thomas, the hermit, we say, declared war with the world, its fashions and customs, and except upon one occasion, until the day of his death, wore his hair and his beard, and the same dress, if a dress could be called the same which was a complete mass of patch over patch, while the original garments were altogether obliterated in dire confusion. When Thomas was remonstrated with on the subject, and advised to trim his beard in a Christian-like manner, and wear becoming raiment, he would say, “I think I am much more Christian-like than yourselves. I am so far keeping by Scripture that I shall not mar the corners of my beard,