Page:Thompson Motif-Index 2nd 1.djvu/107

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A. Mythological Motifs
A197. Deity controls elements. Jewish: *Neuman; Greek: "Zeus the cloud gatherer"; Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 10, 15ff., 32ff., 68—96, et passim. — Tahiti: Henry 337.
D2140. Magic control of the elements.
A199. Gods — additional motifs.
A199.1. Spirit of deity animates earthen jar when it is placed beneath banyan tree. India: Thompson-Balys.
A199.2. God has magic vision only from his throne. Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 22.
D1820. Magic sight.
A199.3. Deity's child becomes fire as soon as he is born. India: Thompson-Balys.
A199.4. Wind drives buffaloes for god. India: Thompson-Balys.
A199.5. God's day is one thousand years. Jewish: Neuman.
A199.6. Deity authenticates sacred writings in heaven. Jewish: Neuman.
A199.7. Drums and flutes off-shore announce approach of gods. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 16 n. 3.

A200—A299. Gods of the upper world.

A200. God of the upper world.
A101. Supreme god.
A205. Witch-woman of upper world. Tuamotu: Stimson MS (Z-G. 13/249).
A210. Sky-god. *Cook Zeus; *Cook Classical Review XVII 270, XVIII 365, FL XV 301, XVI 260; *Hommel "Der allgegenwärtige Himmelsgott" Archiv f. Religionsgeschichte XXIII 193; *Koch Der römische Juppiter (Frankfurt a. M. 1937). — Greek: Fox 152 (Zeus); Babylonian: Spence 76, 121ff.; Hindu: Keith 21, 24 (Dyaus, Varuna); India: Thompson-Balys; Icel.: De la Saussaye 243 (Tiu); Much Der germanische Himmelsgott; Finno-Ugric: *Holmberg Finno-Ugric 217ff.; Irish myth: Cross. — Estonian: Loorits Grundzüge I 583ff.; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 114, 294; Africa (Luba): Donohugh V 180.
A101. Supreme god. A220. Sun-god. F499.1. Sky-spirit.
A210.1. Sky-goddess. Egyptian: Müller 37 (Hathor and others), 41 (Nut). — Tonga: Gifford 16.
A211. God of heaven (cf. A210). Icel.: De la Saussaye 233 (Odin); Jewish: Neuman; Gaster Thespis 122f. — Siberian: Holmberg Siberian 390; Armenian: Ananikian 11, 14, 37; Chinese: Werner 331, Graham; Hindu: Penzer III 257, IV 177 n. 1. — African: Werner African 127. — Pawnee: Alexander N. Am. 80 ("Father Heaven"); Hivaoa (Marquesas): Handy 133.
A216. God of the air. *Encyc. Religion and Ethics s. v. "Air and gods of the air"; Greek: Grote I 3; India: Thompson-Balys.
A220. Sun-god. **Frobenius Das Zeitalter des Sonnengottes (Berlin 1904); Smith Dragon viii; Montelius FL XXI (1909) 60; Krappe "The Anatolian Lion God" JAOS LXV (1945) 144—154; Krappe "Apollon" Studi i Materiali di Storia delle Religioni XIX—XX (1943—1946); *Koch Gestirnverehrung im alten Italien (Frankfurt a. M. 1933). —