Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/220

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Chapter x. Of the Number Seaven, and the Scale thereof. The number seaven is of various, and manifold power, for it consists of one, and six, or of two, and five, or of three and four, and it hath a Unity, as it were the coupling together of two threes: whence if we consider the severall parts thereof, and the joyning together of them, without doubt we shall confess that it is as well by the joyning together of the parts thereof, as by its fullness apart, most full of all Majesty. And the Pythagorians call it the Vehiculum of mans life, which it doth not receive from its parts so, as it perfects by its proper right of its whole, for it contains body, and soul, for the body consists of four Elements, and is endowed with four qualities: Also the number three respects the soul, by reason of its threefold power, viz. rationall, irascible, and concupiscible. The number seaven therefore, because it consists of three, and four, joyns the soul to the body, and the vertue of this number relates to the generation of men, and it causeth man to be received, formed, brought forth, nourished, live, and indeed altogether to subsist. For when the genitall seed is received in the womb of the woman, if it remain there seaven hours after the effusion of it, it is certain that it will abide there for good: Then the first seaven daye it is coagulated, and is fit to receive the shape of a man: then it produceth mature infants, which are called infants of the seaventh moneth, i.e. because they are born the seaventh moneth. After the birth, the seaventh hour tryes whether it will live or no: for that which shall bear the breath of the aire after that hour is conceived will live. After seaven dayes it casts off the reliques of the Navell.

After twice seaven dayes its sight begins to move after the light: in the third seaventh it turns its eyes, and whole face freely. After seaven moneths it breeds teeth: After the second seaventh moneth it sits without fear of falling: After the third seaventh moneth