Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/221

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it begins to speak: After the fourth seaventh moneth it stands strongly, and walks: after the fifth seaventh moneth it begins to refrain sucking its Nurse: After seaven years its first teeth fall, and new are bred, fitter for harder meat, and its speech is perfected: After the second seaventh year boys wax ripe, and then is a beginning of generation: At the third seaventh year they grow to be men in stature, and begin to be hairy, and become able, and strong for generation: At the fourth seaventh year they begin to barnish, and cease to grow taller: In the fifth seaventh year they attain to the perfection of their strength: The sixt seaven year they keep their strength; The seaventh seaventh year they attain to their utmost discretion, and wisdome, and the perfect age of men. But when they come to the tenth seaventh year, where the number seaven is taken for a compleat number, then they come to the common tearm of life, the Prophet saying, Our age is seaventy years. The utmost hight of mans body is seaven feet. There are also seaven degrees in the body, which compleat the dimension of its altitude from the bottome to the top, viz. marrow, bone, nerve, vein, artery, flesh, skin. There are seaven, which by the Greeks are called black members, the Tongue, the Heart, the Lunges, the Liver, the Spleen, and two Kidnies. There are also seaven principal parts of the body, the head, the breast, the hands, the feet, and the privy members. It is manifest concerning breath, and meat, that without drawing of the breath the life doth not endure above seaven hours: and they that are starved with famine, live not above seaven dayes. The Veins also, and arteries (as Physicians say) are moved by the seaventh number. Also judgements in diseases are made with greater manifestation upon the seaventh dayes, which Physitians call criticall, i.e. judiciall. Also of seaven portions God Creates the soul, as divine Plato witnesseth in Timeus. The soul also receives the body by seaven degrees. All difference of voices proceeds to the seaventh degree, after which there is the same revolution. Again, there are seaven modulations of the voyces, Ditonus, Semiditonus, Diutessaron, Diapente with a tone, Diapente