Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/222

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with a half time, and diapason. There is also in Celestials a most potent power of the number seven. For seeing there are four corners of the Heaven Diametrically looking one towards the other, which indeed is accounted a most full, and powerfull aspect, and consists of the number seven. For it is made from the seventh Sign, and makes a Cross, the most powerfull figure of all, of which we shall speak in its due place. But this you must not be ignorant of, that the number seven hath a great Communion with the Cross. By the same radiation, and number the solstice is distant from Winter, and the Winter equinoctium from the Summer, all which are done by seven Signs. There are also seven Circles in the Heaven, according to the longitudes of the Axel-tree. There are seven Stars about the Articke Pole, greater, and lesser, called Charls-Wain, also seven Stars called the Pleiades, and seven Planets, according to those seven dayes, constituting a week. The Moon is the seventh of the Planets & next to us observing this number more then the rest, this number dispensing the mofion, and light thereof. For in twenty eight dayes it runs round the Compass of the whole Zodiack, which number of dayes, the number seven, with its seven tearms, viz. from one to seven, doth make, and fill up, as much as the several numbers, by adding to the Antecedents, and makes four times seven dayes, in which the Moon runs through, and about all the longitude, and latitude of the Zodiack by measuring, and measuring again: with the like seven of dayes it dispenseth its light, by changing it; For the first seven dayes unto the middle as it were of the divided world, it increaseth; the second seven dayes it fils its whole Orb with light; the third by decreasing is again contracted into a divided Orb; but after the fourth seven dayes, it is renewed with the last diminuafion of its light, and by the same seven of dayes it disposeth the increase, and decrease of the Sea, for in the first seven of the increase of the Moon, it is by little lessened; in the second by degrees increased: but the third is like the first, and the fourth doth the sure as the second. It is also applyed to Saturn, which ascending from the lower, is the seventh Planet, which betokens rest, to which the seventh day is ascribed, which signifies the seven thousandth, wherein (as John witnesseth) the Dragon, which is the Divell, and Satan, being bound, men shall be quiet, and lead a peaceable life. Moreover the Phythagorians call seven the number of Virginity, because the first is that which is neither generated, or generates, neither can it be divided into two equall parts, so as to be generated of another number repeated, or being doubled to bring forth any other number of it self, which is contained within the bounds of the number ten, which is manifestly the first bound of numbers, and therefore they dedicate the number seven to Pallas. It hath also in Religion most potent signs of its esteem, and it is called the number of an oath. Hence amongst the Hebrews to swear is called Septenare (i.e.) to protest by seven. So Abraham, when he made a covenant with Abimelech, appointed seven Ewe Lambs for a testimony. It is also called the number of blessedness, or of rest, whence that,

O thrice, and four times blessed!

viz. in soul, and body. The seventh day the Creator rested from his work, wherefore this day was by Moses called the Sabbath (i.e.) the day of rest; hence it was that Christ rested the seventh day in the grave. Also this number hath a great communion with