Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/670

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Prayer for grace, 80 c, 251 d, 334 c.
Privilege of, 249 c-d, 250 d, e, 543 d.
Sign of sanctification, 249 f, 250 a.
Two ways of, 249 e, 250 d, e.
  • Forgiveness: 251-252.
Christian grace, a, 251 e, 252 c, d, e.
Christ's example, 252 c.
Effect personal, 252 b.
How to cultivate it, 252 a.
Nobility of, 251 c, 252 d.
  • Fortitude: 253.
Christian, 118 e, 253 a, d.
Exhortation to, 253 d-f.
In trial, 253 b-f.
Destroys peace, 254 a.
Source of, 588 b.
Without excuse, 254 b.
  • Friendship: 254-255.
Christian, 254 c-e.
Influence on character, 254 e, 255 b.
Nature of, 255 a.
  • Frivolity: 255.
Of soulless professors, 255 d.
Weakens character, 255 c.
  • Gentleness: 255-256.
And strength, 255 e.
In rebuke, 256 a.
Need of, 160 d.
Nature of, 256 b, c.
Of earth, 567 c.
Of heaven, 299 e, f, 300 b.
Source of, 256 d.
Being of, 256 e, f, 257 a, b.
Compassion of.See God, Love of.
Condescension of, 271 c-e, 272 a, b.
Creator, 258 d, 259 a, b, 610 e.See also Nature.
Delays of, 444 f.
Eternity of, 259 c, d.
Fatherhood of, 42 b, 260 a-d.
Faithfulness of, 260 e, 261.
Fullness of, 266 e.
Glory and majesty of, 256 c, f, 258 d, 259 a, 273 f.
Goodness of, 261 d-263 a, 553 a.
Grace of.See God's Mercy.
Guidance of, 263 b-266 d, 276 b, 594 f, 601 c, 615 f.
Holiness of, 256 f.
Infinite, 266 e-267 d, 269 e, 271 d, 273 f, 274 a, d, 276 a, 546 c.
Justice of, 267 e-268 d.
Kingdom of, 151 f, 268 e-269 e.
Love of, 270 a-272 c, 260 a, 265 c, 268 b, c, 488 f, 512 a, 607 e.
Manifestations of, 258 a-c.
Mercy of, 272 d-273 c.
Mystery of, 256 e, f, 259 c, 267 a-d, 269 e, 279 f, 280 b, f, 282 a.
Omnipotence of, 273 d-274 c.
Omnipresence of, 274 d, e.
Omniscience of, 275 a-276 d, 597 b, e.
Pardon from, 440 f, 441 a.
Patience of, 443 d.
Presence of, 276 e-278 c, 332 f, 577 b, 602 d.
Pity of.See God's Love.
Providence of, 123 d, 203 c, e, 278 d-283 b, 512 d, 596 f, 597 a-e, 601 d.
Providence, mystery of, 423 a, b.
Providence, special, 279 c, g.