Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/671

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Refuge, 257 c, e, 259 d.
Soul's rest, the, 257 c-f.
Sovereignty of, 283 c-284 e, 616 b, 620 a, b.
Trinity of, 285 a-c, 421 f.
Truth of, 285 d-f, 599 d, 606 d.
Unchangeable, 256 f.
Will of, 436 d.
Wisdom of.See God's Omniscience.
Works of.See God, Creator.
Wrath of, 271 e.
Wrong views of, 257 a, b.
  • Goodness: 286-287.
Cherish it, 287 c, d.
Duty to possess it, 155 f, 287 b.
Glory of, 286 c, d.
Longing for it, 286 b.
Make it agreeable, 49 a.
Nature of, 286 a.
Never lost, 286 f, 287 a.
Should have an object, 286 e.
  • Gospel: 287-290.See also Bible.
Blessings of, 487 e.
Call of, 82 a.
Christ its centre, 288 c, e.
Effect of, 288 a, d, g, 368 f, 613 f.
Method of, 290 a.
Nature of, 288 b, e, f, 289 a, b, 526 e, 580 d, f.
Object of, 287 e, 288 a, d, 375 d, e, 489 a.
Preaching it, 289 c, d.
Unites itself to the beautiful, 22 c.
Vengeance of, 289 e.
  • Gratitude: 290.
Beauty of, 290 c, e.
Duty of, 290 f.
Nature of, 290 b, d.
To Christ, 120 e.
  • Grave: 291-292.
Lessons of, 291 e, 292 a, 338 a.
Prospect it opens, 291 a, b, d, 292 b.
Returning from, 291 f.
Yawning abyss, a, 291 c, d.
  • Greatness: 292-293.
Accomplishments of, 293 d.
Characteristics of, 578 e.
Condition of, 330 a-c.
Mark for envy, 209 d.
Method of, 293 e, 443 b.
Nature of, 242 f, 292 c-293 c, 543 g, 544 a.
  • Growth in Grace: 293-295.See also Spiritual Progress.
Christian characteristic, a, 293 f-294 a.
Exhortation to, 294 b, c.
How to secure it, 294 e.
Nature of, 294 a, b, d, g.
Prayer for, 295 b.
Sign of, 294 d, f, 295 a.
  • Habit: 295-296.
Effect on character, 295 c-296 d.
Evil, resist it, 296 b, c, d.
Evil, how to escape from it, 296 a, 387 e.
  • Happiness: 296-298.
Conditions of, 297 a, b, f, g, 298 b, 298 d, 498 a.
Earthly, 298 a, 297 a, 296 f, 270 f.
Not our being's end, 296 e, f.
Of home, 323 d, e, 325 a, b.
What it is, 297 c-e, 298 c.
Not a Christian grace, 155 a, 298 f.
Proper object, 298 e.
Means of enjoyment, 299 a.
Necessary to usefulness, 299 c.