Page:Three excellent and at present very fashionable songs.pdf/4

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Then come awa wi' me lassie,
to the braes o' Birniebouzle;
An' since ye are sae free lassie
ye sall ne‘er repent ye:
For ye sal hae baith tups and ewes,
An' gaits and swine, and stots and cows,
An' be the lady o' my house,
An' that may well content ye.


Tune—Whigs of Fife.

My name is Bauldy Fraser, man;
I‘m puir an' auld, an' pale an' wan,
I brak my shin, an' tint a han'
Upon Culloden lee man.
Our highlan' clans war bauld an stout,
An thought to turn their faes about,
But gat that day a desperate rout,
An owre the hills did flee man.

Sic hurly-burly ne'er was seen,
Wi' cuffs and buffs, an blindet een
While, highland swords o' metal keen,

War gleamin' grand to see man.