Page:Three excellent and at present very fashionable songs.pdf/5

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The cannons rowtit in our face,
An brak our banes an rive our claes;
‘Twas then we saw our ticklesh case
Atween the deil an sea man.

Sure Charlie an the brave Lochyell
Had been that time beside theirsell,
To plant us in the open fiel’
In the artillary’s a‘e man:
For had we met wi Cumberland
By Athol-braes or yonder strand,
The bluid o' a the savage band
Had dyed the German sea man.

But down we droppit dad for dad:
I thought it sure hae put me mad,
To see sae many a highland lad
Lie blutherins on the brae man.
I thought we ance had won the fray;
We finasht ae wing till it gae way;
But the other side had lost the day,
An skelpit fast awa man.

When Charley wi‘ Macpherson met,
Like Hay, he thought him back to get;
We‘ll turn, quo he, an try them yet;

We‘ll conquor or we‘ll dee man.