Page:Through a Glass Lightly (1897, Greg).djvu/114

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first there is the bastard Sherry, that filius nullius, yet boon companion of all. Him sprung from unknown and unpedigreed parents, yet none the less apt to form a line of his own, you shall drink indifferently from glasses plain and glasses cut. His amber complexion sparkles and dazzles through the myriad facets of the one sort: so let the sport he makes the eye be held to compensate for any trifling deterioration of palate. But for all that, he flows the kindliest from a plain, clear glass, conical-shaped, lipped over at the rim, so that his oleaginous and flavorous qualities may linger a little on the lips ere he leave his temporary haven for a more blessed embarkation. And this, too, be it said, though the reverted apex is a source of pain and tribulation to housewives and to