Page:Through a Glass Lightly (1897, Greg).djvu/115

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conscientious butlers, for no finger will stretch to its nethermost deeps, and nothing short of a slate-pencil wrapped in a dishcloth will ever clean its uttermost confines. For Hock, that fount of the affinities, no glass of English disposition fits him; and you must seek his true vehicle in those regions which of old time bounded Gaul and Germania, for neither in colour nor in shape shall you easily match them. But see that the stems of them be hollow and broad, and take heed that the hue of them be amber as in harmony with the genial creature they enclose, let the amateurs of green asseverate never so wisely, for thus do you impart the right ambrosial tinge. The clients of Ter Borch, Metsu, Hals, even Teniers in his gentler moods, inclined to a long and pointed figure; but it was a concession to pictorial