Page:Thrummy Cap and the ghaist (3).pdf/12

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                    But scarcely three bare weeks were past,
                    When Death did come and grip me fast,
                    Sae sudden that I had nae pow'r
                    The charter back for to restore.
                    Soon after that hame came the heir,
                    And syne got up the reefu' rair,
                    What sorrow was come o' the Rights ?
                    They sought them several days an' nights,
                    But never yet hae they been seen,
                    As I aneath a meikle stane,
                    Did hide them, i' this cham'er wa',
                    Well sewed up in a leather ba';
                    But I was ne'er allowed to rest,
                    Until that I the same confest;
                    But this to do I hadna power,
                    Frae yon time to this verra hour,
                    That I've reveal'd a' to you ;
                    And now I'll tell you what to do.
                    Till nae langsyne nae mony kent,
                    That this same Laird the Rights did want;
                    But now they ha'e him at the law,
                    An' the neist owk the Laird maun shaw,
                    Afore ihe Court, the Rights o's land,
                    This puts him to an unco stand :
                    For if he disna shaw them there,
                    O' a' his lands he'll be stript bare :
                    Nae hopes has he to save's estate,
                    This make him sowr and unco blate ;
                    He canna think whar's Rights may be,
                    And ne'er expects them mair to see,
                    But now, my friend, mark what I tell,
                    And ye'll get something to yoursel';