Page:Title 3 CFR 2006 Compilation.djvu/315

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Title 3--The President The Secretary of State is authorized and directed to publish this determina- tion in the Federal Register and to notify the Congress of this determina- tion. GEORGE W. BUSH THE WHITE HOUSE, Washington, August 17, 2006. Presidential Determination No. 2006-21 of August 21, 2006 Determination Pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962, as Amended Memorandum for the Secretmy of State Pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962, as amended, 22 U.S.C. 2601(c)(1), I hereby determine that it is impor- tant to the national interest that up to $\1773.5 million be made available from the U.S. Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund to meet unex- pected urgent humanitarian needs related to the conflict in Lebanon. These funds may be used, as appropriate, to provide contributions to inter- national, governmental, and nongovernmental organizations, and, as nec- essary, for administrative expenses of the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration. You are authorized and directed to inform the appropriate committees of the Congress of this determination and the obligation of funds under this authority, and to arrange for the publication of this memorandum in the Federal Register. GEORGE W. BUSH THE WHITE HOUSE, Washington, August 21, 2006. Notice of August 24, 2006 Intention To Enter Into a Free Trade Agreement With Colombia Consistent with section 2\17705(a)(1)(A) of the Trade Act of 2002, I have noti- fied the Congress of my intention to enter into a free trade agreement with the Republic of Colombia. Consistent with section 2\17705(a)(\177)(A) of that Act, this notice shall be pub- lished in the Federal Register. GEORGE W. BUSH THE WHITE HOUSE, August 24, 2006. 302