Page:Title 3 CFR 2006 Compilation.djvu/385

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Title 3--The President M National emergencies declared, termi- nated, continued, etc.--Continued Mali; Rome Statute; International Crimi- Liberia; blocking property of certain nal Court; waiving prohibition on U.S. persons and prohibiting the impor- assistance (Presidential Determination tation of certain goods; continuation Nos. 06-27, p. 315; 07-5, p. 324) (Notice of July 18, p. 299) Malta; Rome Statute; International Russia; weapons-usable fissile mate- Criminal Court; waiving prohibition rial; continuation (Notice of June 19, on U.S. assistance (Presidential Deter- p. 295) mination No. 06-27, p. 315) Sudan Maritime Day, National (Proc. 802\177) Blocking property of and prohibiting Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday transactions with the Govern- (Proc. 7973) ment (EO \1773412) Mathematics Advisory Panel, National; Blocking property of persons in con- establishment(EO \1773398) nection with the conflict in Mentoring Month, National (Proc. 8092) Darfur (EO \1773400) Methamphetamine Awareness Day, Na- Continuation of national emergency tional (Proc. 8086) (Notice of Nov. \177, p. 320) Metro-North Railroad and Certain of Its Employees Represented by Certain Syria Labor Organizations, Emergency Board Blocking property of additional per- To Investigate Disputes Between; es- sons (EO \1773399) tablishment (EO 134\1777) Blocking property of certain persons Mexico and prohibiting the export of Illicit narcotics certification (Presi- certain goods; continuation (No- tice of May 8, p. 28\177) dential Determination No. 06-24, p. 304) TelTorism Rome Statute; International Criminal Attacks; continuation of national Court; waiving prohibition on U.S. emergency with respect to cer- assistance (Presidential Determina- tain (Notice of Sept. 5, p. 303) Persons who commit or support; tion Nos. 06-27, p. 3\1775; 07-5, p. 324) continuation of national emer- Minority Enterprise Development Week gency (Notice of Sept. 2% p. (Proc. 8041) 3\1772) Montgomery, G.V. Sonny; death (Proc. Weapons of mass destruction; continu- 80\1778) ation of national emergency (Notice Mother's Day (Proc. 80\1773) of Oct. 27, p. 3\1779) Western Balkans; continuation of na- N tional emergency (Notice of June 22, Namibia p. 298) Rome Statute; International Criminal National motto, "In God We Trust;" 50th Court; waiving prohibition on U.S. anniversary (Proc. 8038) National security information, classified; assistance (Presidential Determina- eligibility processes for access; extend- tion Nos. 06-27, p. 315; 07-5, p. ing EO 13381 (EO 13408) 324) National emergencies declared, termi- New Americans, Task Force on; estab- lishment (EO 13404) nated, continued, etc. Burma; continuation (Notice of May Nicaragua; DR-CAFTA, implementation 18, p. 290) (Proc. 7996) Colombia; continuation with respect Niger; Rome Statute; International Crimi- to narcotics traffickers (Notice of nal Court; waiving prohibition on U.S. Oct. 19, p. 318) assistance (Presidential Determination Export control regulations; continu- No. 06-27, p. 315) ation (Notice of Aug. 3, p. 301) Nigeria; illicit narcotics certification Iran; continuation (Notice of Nov. 9, p. (Presidential Determination No. 06-24, 321) p. 304) Iraq Development Fund, protection; North American Free Trade Agreement; continuation (Notice of May 18, p. modification of rules of origin (Proc. 289) 8067) 372