Page:Title 3 CFR 2006 Compilation.djvu/387

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Title 3--The President School Lunch Week, National (Proc. Special observances--Continued 8064) Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, Serbia; Rome Statute; International and Human Rights Week (Proc. Criminal Court; waiving prohibition 8090) on U.S. assistance (Presidential Deter- Independence Day (Proc. 8032) mination No. 06-27, p. 315) Irish-American Heritage Month (Proc. Small Business Week (Proc. 7990) 7983) Social Security Administration; designa- Jewish American Heritage Month tion of officers to act as Commissioner (Proc. 8005) (Memorandum of Apr. 17, p. 278) King, Coretta Scott; death (Proc. 7980) Somalia; refugee and migration assist- Law Day, U.S.A. (Proc. 8010) ance (Presidential Determination No. LeifErikson Day (Proc. 8063) 07-8, p. 327) Literacy Day (Proc. 8053) South Africa; Rome Statute; Inter- Loyalty Day (Proc. 8011) national Criminal Court; waiving pro- Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holi- hibition on U.S. assistance (Presi- day (Proc. 7973) dential Determination Nos. 06-27, p. Minority Enterprise Development 315; 07-5, p. 324) Week (Proc. 8041) Special observances Mother's Day (Proc. 8013) 50th anniversary of Our National National Adoption Month (Proc. 8074) Motto, "In God We Trust" (Proc. National African American History 8038) Month (Proc. 7976) 50th Anniversary of the Hungarian National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Revolution (Proc. 8072) Recovery Month (Proc. 8042) America Recycles Day (Proc. 8083) National Alzheimer's Disease Aware- American Heart Month (Proc. 7978) ness Month (Proc. 8075) American Red Cross Month (Proc. National American Indian Heritage 7982) Month (Proc. 8076) Anniversary of the Americans With National Breast Cancer Awareness Disabilities Act (Proc. 8037) Month (Proc. 8059) Asian/Pacific American Heritage National Character Counts Week (Proc. Month (Proc. 8008) 8070) Black Music Month (Proc. 8025) National Charter Schools Week (Proc. Cancer Control Month (Proc. 7992) 8007) Captive Nations Week (Proc. 8036) National Child Abuse Prevention Caribbean-American Heritage Month Month (Proc. 7993) (Proc. 8028) National Child's Day (Proc. 8026) Child Health Day (Proc. 8057) National Consumer Protection Week Columbus Day (Proc. 8065) (Proc. 7979) Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, National Crime Victims' Rights Week Constitution Week (Proc. 8050) (Proc. 8006) Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A. National D.A.R.E. Day (Proc. 8000) (Proc. 7997) National Day of Prayer (Proc. 8012) Father's Day (Proc. 8030) National Day of Remembrance of Hur- Fire Prevention Week (Proc. 8062) ricane Katrina (Proc. 8043) Flag Day and National Flag Week National Days of Prayer and Remem- (Proc. 8029) brance (Proc. 8046) Ford, Gerald R.; National Day of National Defense Transportation Day Mourning (Proc. 8094) and National Transportation Week Fourth Anniversary of USA Freedom (Proc. 8016) Corps (Proc. 7977) National Diabetes Month (Proc. 8077) General Pulaski Memorial Day (Proc. National Disability Employment 8066) Awareness Month (Proc. 8060) German-AmericanDay (Proc. 8061) National Domestic Violence Aware- Gold Star Mother's Day (Proc. 8054) ness Month (Proc. 8058) Great Outdoors Month (Proc. 8023) National Donate Life Month (Proc. Greek Independence Day: A National 7994) Day of Celebration of Greek and National Drunk and Drugged Driving American Democracy (Proc. 7989) Prevention Month (Proc. 8088) 374