Page:Title 3 CFR 2006 Compilation.djvu/388

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Index Special observances--Continued Special observances--Continued National Employer Support of the Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day (Proc. Guard and Reserve Week (Proc. 8019) 8055) Religious Freedom Day (Proc. 7974) National Energy Awareness Month Save Your Vision Week (Proc. 7986) (Proc. 8068) Small Business Week (Proc. 7990) National Family Caregivers Month Thanksgiving Day (Proc. 8085) (Proc. 8078) Thomas Iefferson Day (Proc. 8001) National Family Week (Proc. 8084) United Nations Day (Proc. 8073) National Farm-City Week (Proc. 8082) Veterans Day (Proc. 8080) National Farm Safety and Health White Cane Safety Day (Proc. 8069) Week (Proc. 8052) Women's Equality Day (Proc. 8040) National Forest Products Week (Proc. Women's History Month (Proc. 7985) 807\177) World AIDS Day (Proc. 8087) National Former Prisoner of War Rec- World Freedom Day (Proc. 808\177) ognition Day (Proc. 7998) World Trade Week (Proc. 8022) National Hispanic Heritage Month Wright Brothers Day (Proc. 809\177) (Proc. 8049) Sri Lanka; refugee and migration assist- National Historically Black Colleges ance (Presidential Determination No. and Universities Week (Proc. 8048) 07-8, p. 327) National Homeownership Month State, Department of (Proc. 8024) Afghanistan, assistance; assignment of National Hospice Month (Proc. 8079) function to the Secretary (Memo- National Hurricane Preparedness randum of May 8, p. 282) Week (Proc. 8020) Africa, waivers and reports; assign- National Maritime Day (Proc. 802\177) ment of functions to the Secretary National Mentoring Month (Proc. (Memorandum of May 18, p. 29\177) 8092) Cooperative threat reduction funds; as- National Methamphetamine Aware- signment of functions to the Sec- ness Day (Proc. 8086) retary (Memorandum of May 26, p. National Oceans Week (Proc. 8027) 292) National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Global war on terror; assignment of Month (Proc. 8044) functions to the Secretary (Memo- National Park Week (Proc. 8002) randum of May 25, p. 292) National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Humanitarian Assistance Code of Con- Day (Proc. 8089) duct; assignment of reporting func- National Physical Fitness and Sports tion to the Secretary (Memorandum Month (Proc. 8003) of May \1772, p. 282) National Poison Prevention Week Iraq policy; assignment of a reporting (Proc. 7988) function to the Secretary (Memo- National POW/MIA Recognition Day randum of Apr. 6, p. 277) (Proc. 805\177) Iraqi antiquities, import restrictions; National Prostate Cancer Awareness assignment of functions to the Sec- Month (Proc. 8045) retary (Memorandum of May 5, p. National Safe Boating Week (Proc. 280) 80\1777) Sudan National Sanctity of Human Life Day Blocking property of and prohibiting (Proc. 7975) transactions with the Government National School Lunch Week (Proc. (EO 134\1772) 8064) Blocking property of persons in con- National Volunteer Week (Proc. 8004) nection with the conflict in Darfur Older Americans Month (Proc. 8009) (EO \1773400) Pan American Day and Pan American Continuation of national emergency Week (Proc. 7999) (Notice of Nov. \177, p. 320) Parents' Day (Proc. 8035) Defense articles and services; transfer Patriot Day, 2006 (Proc. 8047) in support of Security Sector Trans- Peace Officers Memorial Day and Po- formation program (Presidential De- lice Week (Proc. 80\1774) termination No. 06-22, p. 303) 375