Page:Title 3 CFR 2006 Compilation.djvu/417

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CFi\177 Title, Subtitle or Agency Chapter Secretary of Labor, Office of 29, Subtitle A Veterans' Employment and Training Service, Office of the 41, 61; 20, IX Assistant Secretary for Wage and Hour Division 29, V Workers' Compensation Programs, Office of 20, I Labor-Management Standards, Office of 29, II, IV Land Management, Bureau of 43, II Legal Services Corporation 45, XVI Library of Congress 36, VII Copyright Office 3?, II Copyright Royalty Board 3?, III Local Television Loan Guarantee Board ?, XX Management and Budget, Office of 5, III, LXXVII; 14, VI; 48, 99 Marine Mammal Commission 50, V Maritime Administration 46, II Merit Systems Protection Board 5, II Micronesian Status Negotiations, Office for 32, XXVII Mine Safety and Health Administration 30, I Minerals Management Service 30, II Minority Business Development Agency 15, XIV Miscellaneous Agencies 1, IV Monetary Offices 31, I Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National 36, XVI Environmental Policy Foundation National Aeronautics and Space Administration 5, LIX; 14, V Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 18 National Agricultural Library 7, XLI National Agricultural Statistics Service 7, XXXVI National and Community Service, Corporation for 45, XII, XXV National Archives and Records Administration 5, LXVI; 36, XII Information Security Oversight Office 32, XX National Bureau of Standards 15, II National Capital Planning Commission 1, IV National Commission for Employment Policy 1, IV National Commission on Libraries and Information Science 45, XVII National Council on Disability 34, XII National Counterintelligence Center 32, XVIII National Credit Union Administration 12, VII National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Council 28, IX National Drug Control Policy, Office of 21, III National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities 45, XI National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 23, II, III; 49, V National Imagery and Mapping Agency 32, I National Indian Gaming Commission 25, III National Institute for Literacy 34, XI National Institute of Standards and Technology 15, II National Labor Relations Board 5, LXI; 29, I National Marine Fisheries Service 50, II, IV, VI National Mediation Board 29, X National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 15, IX; 50, II, III, IV, VI National Park Service 36, I National Railroad Adjustment Board 29, III National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) 49, VII National Science Foundation 5, XLIII; 45, VI Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 25 National Security Council 32, XXI National Security Council and Office of Science and 47, II Technology Policy National Telecommunications and Information 15, XXIII; 47, III Administration National Transportation Safety Board 49, VIII National Weather Service 15, IX Natural Resources Conservation Service 7, VI Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation, Office of 25, IV Navy Department 32, VI Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 52 4O5