Page:Title 3 CFR 2006 Compilation.djvu/418

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CFi\177 Title, Subtitle or Ag'ency Chapter Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation 24, XXV Northeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste 10, XVIII Commission Nuclear Regulatory Commission 5, XLVIII; 10, I Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 20 Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29, XVII Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission 29, XX Offices of Independent Counsel 28, VI Oklahoma City National Memorial Trust 36, XV Operations Office ?, XXVIII Overseas Private Investment Corporation 5, XXXIII; 22, VII Patent and Trademark Office, United States 37, I Payment From a Non-Federal Source for Travel Expenses 41,304 Payment of Expenses Connected With the Death of Certain 41,303 Employees Peace Corps 22, III Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation 36, IX Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 29, XL Personnel Management, Office of 5, I, XXXV; 45, VIII Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 17 Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Federal 48, 21 Acquisition Regulation Federal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition Regulation 48, 16 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration 49, I Postal Rate Commission 5, XLVI; 39, III Postal Service, United States 5, LX; 39, I Postsecondary Education, Office of 34, VI President's Commission on White House Fellowships 1, IV Presidential Documents 3 Presidio Trust 36, X Prisons, Bureau of 28, V Procurement and Property Management, Office of 7, XXXII Productivity, Technology and Innovation, Assistant 37, IV Secretary Public Contracts, Department of Labor 41, 50 Public and Indian Housing, Office of Assistant Secretary for 24, IX Public Health Service 42, I Railroad Retirement Board 20, II Reclamation, Bureau of 43, I Refugee Resettlement, Office of 45, IV Regional Action Planning Commissions 13, V Relocation Allowances 41,302 Research and Innovative Technology Administration 49, XI Rural Business-Cooperative Service 7, XVIII, XLII Rural Development Administration 7, XLII Rural Housing Service 7, XVIII, XXXV Rural Telephone Bank 7, XVI Rural Utilities Service 7, XVII, XVIII, XLII Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation 33, IV Science and Technology Policy, Office of 32, XXIV Science and Technology Policy, Office of, and National 47, II Security Council Secret Service 31, IV Securities and Exchange Commission 17, II Selective Service System 32, XVI Small Business Administration 13, I Smithsonian Institution 36, V Social Security Administration 20, III; 48, 23 Soldiers' and Airmen's Home, United States 5, XI Special Counsel, Office of 5, VIII Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Office of 34, III State Department 22, I; 28, XI Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 6 Surface Mining and Reclamation Appeals, Board of 30, III Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Office of 30, VII Surface Transportation Board 49, X Susquehanna River Basin Commission 18, VIII 406