Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/311

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Executive Orders EO 13450 (ii) development of the agency's strategic plans, annual performance plans, and annual performance reports as required by law; (b) advise the head of the agency, with respect to a program administered in whole or in part by the agency, whether: (i) goals proposed for the approval of the head of the agency under section 3(a)(i) of this order are: (A) sufficiently aggressive toward full achievement of the purposes of the program; and (B) realistic in light of authority and resources assigned to the specified agency personnel referred to in section 3(a)(ii)(A) of this order with respect to that program; and (ii) means for measurement of progress toward achievement of the goals are sufficiently rigorous and accurate; (c) convene the specified agency personnel referred to in section 3(a)(ii)(A) of this order, or appropriate subgroups thereof, regularly throughout each year to: (i) assess performance of each program administered in whole or in part by the agency; and (ii) consider means to improve the performance and efficiency of such pro- gram; (d) assist the head of the agency in the development and use within the agency of performance measures in personnel performance appraisals, and, as appropriate, other agency personnel and planning processes; and (e) report to the head of the agency on the implementation within the agen- cy of the policy set forth in section 1 of this order. Sec. 6. Estublishment und Operution of Performunce Improvement Council. (a) The Director shall establish, within the Office of Management and Budg- et for administrative purposes only, a Performance Improvement Council (Council), consistent with this order. (b) The Council shall consist exclusively of: (i) the Deputy Director for Management of the Office of Management and Budget, who shall serve as Chair; (ii) such agency Performance Improvement Officers, as determined by the Chair; and (iii) such other full-time or permanent part-time employees of an agency, as determined by the Chair with the concurrence of the head of the agency concerned. (c) The Chair or the Chair's designee, in implementing subsection (d) of this section, shall convene and preside at the meetings of the Council, de- termine its agenda, direct its work, and establish and direct subgroups of the Council, as appropriate to deal with particular subject matters, that shall consist exclusively of members of the Council. (d) To assist in implementing the policy set forth in section 1 of this order, the Council shall: