Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/312

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EO 13450 Title 3--The President (i) develop and submit to the Director, or when appropriate to the President through the Director, at times and in such formats as the Chair may specify, recommendations concerning: (A) performance management policies and requirements; and (B) criteria for evaluation of program performance; (ii) facilitate the exchange among agencies of information on performance management, including strategic and annual planning and reporting, to ac- celerate improvements in program performance; (iii) coordinate and monitor a continuous review by heads of agencies of the performance and management of all Federal programs that assesses the clarity of purpose, quality of strategic and performance planning and goals, management excellence, and results achieved for each agency's programs, with the results of these assessments and the evidence on which they are based made available to the public on or through the Internet website re- ferred to in subsection (d)(iv); (iv) to facilitate keeping the public informed, and with such assistance of heads of agencies as the Director may require, develop an Internet website that provides the public with information on how well each agency per- forms and that serves as a comprehensive source of information on: (A) current program performance; and (B) the status of program performance plans and agency Performance and Accountability Reports; and (C) consistent with the direction of the head of the agency concerned after consultation with the Director, any publicly available reports by the agen- cy's Inspector General concerning agency program performance; (v) monitor implementation by agencies of the policy set forth in section 1 of this order and report thereon from time to time as appropriate to the Director, or when appropriate to the President through the Director, at such times and in such formats as the Chair may specify, together with any rec- ommendations of the Council for more effective implementation of such policy; (vi) at the request of the head of an agency, unless the Chair declines the request, promptly review and provide advice on a proposed action by that agency to implement the policy set forth in section 1 of this order; and (vii) obtain information and advice, as appropriate, in a manner that seeks individual advice and does not involve collective judgment or consensus advice or deliberation, from: (A) State, local, territorial, and tribal officials; and (B) representatives of entities or other individuals. (e)(i) To the extent permitted by law, the Office of Management and Budget shall provide the funding and administrative support the Council needs, as determined by the Director, to implement this section; and (ii) the heads of agencies shall provide, as appropriate and to the extent permitted by law, such information and assistance as the Chair may request to implement this section. 312